Tenancy Application

Property Details
Personal Details
No of Intended Occupants
Yes No
Your Current Address Details
If less than 6 months, please provide the following information:
Employment Details

For Self Employed, please provide accountant details as contact person

If employed less then 6 months, please provide the following information

Student Details (if applying as student)

Professional Reference 1

Professional Reference 2

Personal Reference

Emergency Contact / Next of Kin


I hereby offer to rent the property from the owner under a lease to be prepared by
the Agent. Should this application be accepted by the landlord I agree to enter into a Residential Tenancy Agreement.
I declare that I am not bankrupt.
I authorise the Agent to obtain personal information about me from:
(a) The owner or the Agent of my current or previous residences;
(b) My personal referees for this application
(c) My current and past employers;
(d) Any person who maintains any record, listing or database of defaults by
and I authorise and consent to each of those persons providing requested personal
information about me to the Agent.
If I default under a rental agreement, I agree that the Agent may disclose details of any such default to a tenancy default database, and to agents/landlords of
properties I may apply for in the future.
I am aware that the Agent will use and disclose my personal information in order to:
(a) communicate with the owner and select a tenant
(b) prepare lease/tenancy documents
(c) allow tradespeople or equivalent organisations to contact me
(d) lodge/claim/transfer to/from a Bond Authority
(e) refer to Tribunals/Courts & Statutory Authorities (where applicable)
(f) refer to collection agents/lawyers (where applicable)
(g) complete a credit check with NTD (National Tenancies Database)
(h) transfer water account details into my name
I am aware that if information is not provided or I do not consent to the uses to
which personal information is put, the Agent cannot provide me with the
lease/tenancy of the premises. I am aware that I may access personal information
on the contact details above.
I confirm that the property was in reasonably clean condition at the time
of inspection during inspection by me or by my authorised representative.
I acknowledge that this application is subject to the approval of the owner/landlord.
I declare that all information contained in this application is true and correct.
I have read and understood the privacy statement provided.

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